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Post #2844

ABCs for cool geeks-in-training

As the mother of a two-year-old, I, like just about every other parent, often think about what I can do to aid my child’s development. And as someone (like all of us here at BERG) who’s passionate about design and rather fond of sci-fi, I’m keen that my daughter is introduced to those things and hopefully will enjoy them too. (Incidentally, what’s the right age for an introduction to Star Wars: A New Hope? Seven? Eight? In any case, we have a few years.)

Right now my daughter is starting to be able to identify letters, and they are coming fast and furious. We already have a number of ABC books around, but I’ve recently discovered a few more that I think are must haves for a very small geek-in-training:

Star Wars ABC – Need I say more?

Charley Harper’s ABC – Beautiful illustrations that will no doubt be more appreciated by parents than by toddlers, but hey, may as well expose them to lovely design early on, right?

ABC 3D – Pop-up books are always cool, and this one is beautiful as well.

The City ABC Book – A lesson in Looking Around You and Noticing Things.

Dr Seuss’s ABC – For sheer fun, silliness and inventiveness, it’s hard to beat Dr Seuss. “Oscar’s only ostrich oiled an orange owl today,” and “Many mumbling mice are making midnight music in the moonlight… mighty nice!”

And finally, Nerdy ABC Flashcards – A is for Atom! B is for Binary Code! N is for Neuron! U is for Uvula! Brilliant.

Any other suggestions? Please leave them in the comments!

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