I know Sunday is an unusual day to publish the weeknotes but working aboard the good ship BERG is not a nine-till-five. God put his feet up on Sunday, but just think what he might have created if he wasn’t so lazy…
Light-hearted blasphemy aside, here’s a retrospective look at the highlights of week four hundred.
Norsk harbinger of sublime design, Timo Arnall, was in the studio at the beginning of the week, diligently flexing his final cut and blog-writing muscles. He has now returned to Oslo to continue his PHD work – hopefully we’ll be able to see the fruits of his labour soon. Phil Gyford also returned to Corsham street this week to do some final work for Sagguaro.
Matt Jones finally brought his baby twins Olive and Bryn in to meet the studio and there was much cooing and delight from everybody. I was simply amazed to see they weren’t wearing Vulpine onesies…
Joe has been working hard on Shiprock and he’s really not used to proper work anymore so now he’s made himself ill. While he was at home keeping Lemsip in business, we all enjoyed seeing and playing with the first prototype of his brainchild known as ‘project Kemp’ (Joe believes projects should be named after fictional hard-men rather than Colorado rocks). Get well soon Joe!
Little Printer in one form or another is on the minds of most of us in the studio. There is so much complexity, unique work and bubbling potential hidden in that cute white cube, and it is carefully being unlocked as the weeks go by with Alice, Alex, Denise (who’s also been in client workshops this week), Adam and Nick all working on new publications and features. Simon, Helen, Kari and Fraser have also been working hard with Little Printer-related endeavours, dealing with customers and organising further production. As well as working on project Kemp and Kachina, Andy and I have been trying to get to the bottom of physical performance issues with Little Printer, conducting post-mortems on customer returns and testing new parts.
In some ways it feels like BERG is more McLaren than Macintosh; Little Printer is a piece of mass-produced consumer electronics, but rather than simply shifting units designed to be obsolete when the next lot of SKUs is shipped, we are honing, tuning and learning from our creation, developing new features, functionality and flexibility to improve the customer experience. It is quite unique to work in this way, and Jack and Matt W have been working hard the last few weeks to ensure we continue to do so.
Week 401 starts in 3 hours, so I bid you all goodnight.
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