Week 317 weeknotes were published a day late, due to Tuesday being dedicated to the launch of SVK, a comic book which was BERG’s first publication. Two bottles of Cava were consumed on that Tuesday evening, as the team gathered around a monitor displaying a special app written to track SVK’s consumption.
The app they were watching had been written with Alice’s new Ruby on Rails skills, gained while developing the application, previously known as Flagstaff, now named Shuush. Shuush was released to the public later that week.
As Tom Stuart, Matt Jones and Alex Jarvis listened to the mario coin noise of the app, they pondered over the last bits of feedback and tweaking of Dimensions 2 before it was used by client.
The largest project of the week for BERG was Chaco, which had absorbed Andy, Joe, Jack, Alex and Nick this week, and had shown some pretty exciting things at the previous week’s Friday demo.
Weminuche made unglamorous but functional leaps forward, which involved meetings attended by Jack, Denise, Alex, Andy, Nick and James. These meetings were chaired by Simon, who discovered a new way of using post-it notes which would stay with him for the rest of his career.
Various importing processes for Schooloscope were re-ignited for their occasional use, ready to update its opinion of the current educational landscape in Britain.
Week 317 was preceded over by Simon and processed by Matthew Webb.