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Post #3022

SVK: Meet Thomas Woodwind

SVK: Meet Thomas Woodwind

Woodwind is the protagonist in SVK, the comic we’re publishing by Warren Ellis and Matt “D’Israeli” Brooker in April 2011.

This is one of Matt’s early character sketches for Thomas Woodwind, who is quite the piece of work…

Here’s Warren’s character notes from an early treatment:

THOMAS WOODWIND:  I’m seeing a man of six feet or so, quite lean, with a good Patrick Stewart-ish skull fuzzed with very short pale hair. Paranoid eyes. Tending to very long black coats, probably with poacher’s pockets sewn on the inside.  A bluetooth earpiece cupping each ear, with front facing limbs (where the IR LEDS are). Also wears black gloves, I think – no fingerprints, reduction of epithelials.

Like I say – a piece of work all in all. He’s a classic Ellis character, with a mind like a steel-trap and a sharp tongue to match. He also makes Jason Bourne look like he’s trying too hard…

We’ll have some more news about the project likely next week, but I also want to point you at the site we’ve built where SVK will live. There’s not a lot there yet… but for now you can sign up for news about SVK’s release at

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