Timo Arnall

Timo is a creative director at BERG and has been making films, designing products, and researching emerging technologies for 15 years.
Prior to joining BERG, Timo led an international research project investigating emerging wireless technologies through design at the Oslo School of Architecture & Design. Timo also taught interaction and industrial design at AHO and has been part of the visiting faculty at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, UmeƄ Institute of Design, the Royal College of Art and the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea. Before that Timo directed film, animation, web, mobile and exhibition design projects in London.
Much of Timo’s work has been about understanding, developing and explaining emerging technologies through films such as Nearness and Immaterials. Timo regularly talks about design, media and technology at international conferences such as Reboot, Web 2.0 Expo, Design Engaged, The Microsoft Social Computing Symposium, Barcelona Design Week, Foo Camp and MoMo Amsterdam.