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[Image source: Moon Thumbnails, NASA]

There’s a huge difference between the moon landing and Wikipedia, and it’s worth digging into a little.

The American space programme came out of a command society. 300,000 people worked; 12 people walked on the moon. On the other hand we’re living in what is become a participatory culture. It’s the complete opposite.

The term participatory culture was coined by the social theorist Henry Jenkins and I don’t want to talk about it now… but I do want to show you three examples of my favourite instances of it.

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June 25, 2009

Scope opened reboot11 in Copenhagen (themed 'action'), June 2009, by introducing Thackara's concept of the macroscope, asking how society should spend 100 million hours, and inspiring participation.

There is a video available.
Read from the beginning.