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View the presentation


Design, culture, scale, space, superpowers. Key concepts: design and contributing to culture; ourselves as individuals and the big picture; taking action.

PRESENTATION Scope, slide 1 (slides and notes)

There is also a video available.

Scope opened reboot11 in June 2009.

Books referenced

I mention the following books in Scope:

  • Design for the real world, Victor Papanek
  • Design as art, Bruno Munari
  • Visions of technology, Richard Rhodes
  • Whole Earth Catalog, Stewart Brand
  • Green Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson
  • When the body becomes all eyes, Phillip Zarrilli

and other topics covered include million mile tomatoes, President John F Kennedy as a yogic master, superpowers and the tools of production.


June 25, 2009

Scope opened reboot11 in Copenhagen (themed 'action'), June 2009, by introducing Thackara's concept of the macroscope, asking how society should spend 100 million hours, and inspiring participation.

There is a video available.
Read from the beginning.