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Here they are.

These are questions that have been occupying me, so I’m just going to say what they are and offer some thoughts.

I don’t have answers, but I’d really like some.

So if you have any thoughts about what I’m going to say, I’d really like to have a conversation about that.

The first one is taking web applications off-road.

I was talking earlier about devices like the Chumby. What this wave of new devices tells me is this: the best place for doing computation is not sitting in-front of a computer.

Looking at the motivations flowchart, it’s clear that in many of the states, the best place for the user to be is not at the website.

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February 25, 2008

This presentation puts forward 'movement' as a metaphor for the Web, introduces the motivations flowchart design process, and demonstrates Snap, a way of syndicating interactions from websites to the desktop. It is called Movement and was originally delivered in February 2008 at Web Directions North 2008 in Vancouver.