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The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Interaction Design

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So what I’d do, I think, is make a type of Shake n Vac that came with bigger pieces in it too. They would come in different colours and you’d scatter them on the floor. Your job would be to pick them up in a certain order.

There are loads of yellow small ones. You have to pick all of those up as fast as possible.

There are a few, larger red one. But you have to avoid those! Those are bad for you. We’ll call them ‘ghosts.’ You can only pick those up without 15 seconds of picking up one of the blue pieces, which we’ll call power pills.

I call this Vac Man.


There would also have a high-score table built into the back of the vacuum cleaner, and you would be ranked against other players across the world in a comparable square-footage range, and you could compete with your flatmates. We’d do the entire thing with RFID tags, which would be reusable.

Um. You know, I think I’d buy one.

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January 25, 2007

This presentation is on how to design products for Generation C, and is called The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Interaction Design. It was originally delivered in January 2007.