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[Image source: The Great Pop vs. Soda Controversy]

Ideas can be macroscopes. Ideas that kind of put you in your place and let you see a much larger world and make you say “whoa.” I ran across a couple recently I want to share with you.

I don’t have a map of what I want to tell you for this one, so this instead is a map of what people call soft drinks across North America. It turns out some people call soft drinks soda, and some people say coke.

So this is something I read in Richard Dawkin’s book The Extended Phenotype, and he’s talking about dandelions…

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June 25, 2009

Scope opened reboot11 in Copenhagen (themed 'action'), June 2009, by introducing Thackara's concept of the macroscope, asking how society should spend 100 million hours, and inspiring participation.

There is a video available.
Read from the beginning.