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Image: Charity Chair by Andrej Blazon, in Fast Company.

Here’s another example, this is the charity chair by Andrej Blazon, which I ran across in Fast Company. He’s not selling a chair, he’s selling a pattern. This is a chair which is just a design.

It’s a very specific set of cuts on flat material, any material which can be bent into making the chair. So that means it can be made where it’s needed. It doesn’t need to be shipped. There’s no transportation.

So what’s being sold here, just the original design? A cutting pattern, like when people make their own clothes?

This also isn’t a product that fits easily into the Big Product mould. It wouldn’t make sense to make 100 thousand of these in China and ship them out across the world — they could be done more cheaply locally. What we’re looking at is something completely different.

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October 08, 2009

Escalante opened Web Directions South in Sydney, October 2009, and hikes through fanufacture, science fiction, social capital, cybernetics, and Neptune.

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Read from the beginning.